GoProposal and Practice Ignition both have native integrations with Karbon.
These integrations are designed so that whenever a proposal is accepted, in Karbon:
People or organisations are added (where they don’t exist), and
Associated work items are added for related services on the proposal
This is excellent for onboarding of new clients. However for renewals it doesn’t work so well.
When using the native integrations for renewals where work items are already in Karbon, duplicate work items will be created on proposal acceptance.
Both GoProposal and Practice Ignition need to implement functionality to supress the creation of new work for renewal scenarios. This could be done using filters such as Proposal Tags for PI or proposal templates for GoProposal – i.e. don’t send Karbon work items if a particular tag or proposal template is in use.
This wouldn’t necessarily catch everything (i.e. new services added), but it would be progress on where the respective integrations are at currently.
However, if you don’t want to wait until this integration is improved, you can use a combination of Zapier and the Karbon API.
App Advisory Plus are familiar with using the Karbon API and can set up the necessary automation to make this work. Work items will only be added proposals for new clients rather than for renewals.
This will prevent any confusion that might arise from duplicated items, and save you time removing them.
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