How to streamline AML compliance into your accounting workflows with App of the Month GoProposal image

How to streamline AML compliance into your accounting workflows with App of the Month GoProposal

Monday 15th July 2024 at 2pm (BST)

Posted byGoProposal
Monday 15 July 2024
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With so many workflows to juggle every day, integrating Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance into the mix can feel overwhelming.

But with more and more sorry tales of hefty fines for accountants who failed to comply to AML regulations hitting the headlines, it’s more important than ever that you get it right.

When you’re already juggling the demands of a busy accounting practice, how can you add AML to the mix without letting the ball drop?

Join Chris Downing and Will Farnell on July 15 at 2pm (BST) to learn how you can integrate an AML process into your workflow that WON’T take you away from your daily tasks.

You will learn:

  • Crucial insights into AML and KYC (Know Your Customer) essentials that will ensure rock-solid protection for your firm

  • Strategies to leverage cutting-edge tools and software to automate AML processes, enhancing efficiency and mitigating risks

  • Best practices for developing a robust AML process tailored to your firm's specific needs


Will Farnell, Co-Founder of App Advisory Plus and Founder of Farnell Clarke Limited.

Chris Downing, Director for Accountants and Bookkeepers at Sage.

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